My Digital Nomad Journey in Vietnam in 2024

In just two weeks from posting this blog, it will be finally time to leave the Netherlands behind for Vietnam. With this exciting trip coming up, I thought it would be nice to tell you a bit more about our new journey and all the new updates. So let’s dive right in!

Closing Off

So, the first step actually of starting something new as this, is closing off. Me and my partner made the decision to start a life as a fulltime digital nomad. Before we could enjoy that we first needed to close some important things off. We quit our jobs and also said goodbye to our current office jobs. This whole proces although exciting where also a bit thrilling. It felt like a really big step to just quit your job.

Things needed to be done, so we did quit our job and said goodbye to our appartement. Currently we are finishing everything, luckily as it is only two weeks left until Vietnam. To be honest these times can sometimes be quite stressful, as you don’t want to forget anything. But I know for sure, when we are in Vietnam or any other place, we will be so happy that we took these steps.

Saying Goodbye

With only a few weeks left, there has also started to come a time of saying goodbye. In this case not only to our apartment or jobs but also to our friends and family. It feels really unrealistic to imagine that you will not see some people for probably a very long time. We want to come to the Netherlands once a year. Currently that would be December 2025. Can you imagine coming back for a short visit just after 1,5 years. of course this is something that we discussed together and are fully behind our choice. Happy to know that our parents and even friends will come visit us earlier than those 1,5 years. Personally I’m very excited to be able to show them around our currently place and show them more of our upcoming life and day to day activities. Although telling and showing people more about our travel experiences is something that I have always loved, also being one of the reasons for starting this blog and Otex Youtube channel.

In the last few days we will be visiting or meeting up with different family members and friends. Enjoying some nice dinners, activities or even a whole weekend getaway in the Netherlands with two of my best friends. We had the most lovely time in our home country. Will be telling you more about that in a later blog post, so definitely stay tuned for that!

Why Vietnam?

Of all the places you could choose, why start in Vietnam? Well first of we had a super exciting three week trip to Thailand last year. So although we loved that experience, we didn’t want to start there. Second, at the end of last year, we were busy planning our summer vacation 2024 with the plans of going to Vietnam. We are both super curious to Vietnam and very excited to go. When we decided to fully go for the Digital Nomad life, it was a logical choose to not go on a summer vacation and instead started saving all of our money.

Even more logical when we were choosing our remote location that it would be Vietnam. It was something that was right away decided, so that was very nice. We wanted to stay in a big city with a combination of beach and city. Da Nang would be the perfect option. We have arranged an Airbnb for three months, just a short walk away from the beach. I’m very excited to try some delicious local food, go to the beach but also of course to show you around Vietnam.

Our Plans

So on the 6th of July we will be traveling from Amsterdam to Da Nang. It will be a very long flight with two transfers. Although long, I’m very excited as it will be for our remote lifestyle. We have rented an apartment for 3 months, so we will be staying there until October. It is a really weird but also exciting thought to imagine that you will be there for such a long time. I can even give you a little hint that we already booked our next to destinations!

During our time in Vietnam and all the upcoming locations, we will be working as a digital nomad. So you can expect many new exciting blogs but also YouTube video’s that will be showing you around Vietnam. Of course we are also working on some other cool projects for the future.

As you might notice I’m very excited to leave for this new and exciting step in my life. Yes, there will be challenges along the way but I’m 100% sure that it will totally be worth it. So with that being said, I hope to see you travel along with me to all the beautiful things our world has to offer!

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